My Ewes

She is another little ewe I decided to keep in my flock. Her color has made her pretty unique and I also like her overall body shape. I hope she doesn't let me down.

She is my busy body, maybe that is because she is a C. When she is out and about, she must come and see exactly what it is you are doing and do whatever possible to get in the way.

She seems to be the smartest of all the girls. She is an FP and the Alpha on the farm. When something happens that is not quite to her liking, she will give you a quick stomp of the foot to set things right again.

She was a little lamb I raised and I think she has what it takes to be an excellent ewe for many years to come. She also went to the fair with me and showed herself quite well. Her mannerisms have quickly made her become one of my favorites.

She was one of my lambs that I just had to keep. She is going to be a nice addition to my little flock. Her first year she went to the fair and was one of the judges favorites.

She went to the fair with me last year and she did so great. She has grown so much both in her personality as well as her size. I expect in a few years she will produce some very nice lambs.

Lulu Bell
She was my bottle baby, so like most of us know, she has such a special place in our hearts. I am going to add her to my flock, in a few years, when she finally settles in to being a sheep, we will see where she fits in.

She is a lamb I kept a few years back because I saw something in her I liked. I took her to the fair, she did quite well considering her competition. I like the way she is put together and her disposition very much.

She was one of the first 2 lambs of the season and her mom said -NOPE. So I took care of her and everyday I would take her out to the pasture so she could be with her brother. Mom never did want her included but she made lots of other friends out there and today is just fine.

This little cutie was an accident. Yes, even at my house we have such things as that. She was so late being born, like 3 weeks after everyone else that she had to learn to play pretty quick with the rest of them and she did just that.

Well, this was a little girl that was a twin, and she was coming backwards. After a bit of time, we had her out but unfortunately her sister didn't make it. So, she became one of the lambs that must stay here.